1. deign - v.
to believe something or someone to be beneath one's dignity; to condescend; to stoop; to lower oneself; to patronize.
ex. 1. The teacher did not deign to reply to the student when asked a question during a test.
ex. 2. The haughty woman did not deign to invite her poor neighbors to her lavish Christmas party.
2. laud - v.
to give praise; to glorify; to honor; to express approval or admiration.
ex. 1. King Duncan lauded Macbeth for his bravery in battle.
ex. 2. Macbeth lauded Duncan to his face but plotted murder behind his back.
3. castigate - v.
to inflict severe punishment; to criticize severely; to punish in order to correct; to chastise.
ex. 1. Lady macbeth castigated her husband about his manhood to goad him into killing Duncan.
ex. 2. The master castigated his slaves for failing to work hard enough by whipping them.
4. impugn - v.
to challenge another's statements or motives; to cast doubt upon; to attack as false or questionable.
ex. 1. Many scientists have tried to impugn the theory of global warming.
ex. 2. The Republicans are constantly trying to impugn Barrack Obama's character.
5. swine - n.
the domestic pig, hog; wild boar; a coarse, gross, or brutishly sensual person; a contemptible person.
ex. 1. The Bible says not to cast pearls before swine.
ex. 2. The followers of Islam are forbidden from eating swine.
6. nemesis - n.
something or someone a person cannot conquer; something a person cannot achieve; an opponent; a rival whom a person cannot best or overcome; a foe; an antagonist; an enemy.
ex. 1. Banquo became the nemesis of Macbeth.
ex. 2. Potato chips were the nemesis of the overweight woman.
7. deprecate - v.
to belittle; to depreciate; to express disapproval of; to deplore.
ex. 1. Lady Macbeth deprecated the conscience of her husband an unmanly.
ex. 2. The pianist deprecated his own talent when he admitted that he did not think he could win the competition.
8. acquiesce - v.
to give consent; to accept by keeping silent or not making objections; to agree or submit quietly.
ex. 1. Macbeth acquiesced to his wife's desire to murder the king.
ex. 2. The parents reluctantly acquiesced to their son's demand for new sneakers even though he had yet to wear his old ones.
9. palpable - adj.
detectable by touch; tangible; readily or plainly seems, heard, or perceived.
ex. 1. Macbeth's ambition became palpable after killing the king.
ex. 2. Before the test, the tension in the classroom was palpable.
10. rapt - adj.
deeply engrossed; completely involved; concentrating on something to the exclusion of everything else; absorbed; enthralled; spellbound.
ex. 1. Macbeth was rapt in his vision of glory after listening to the witches' prophecies.
ex. 2. Rapt in the music of Mozart, the student could not concentrate on the lesson in English class.
11. missive - written message; a letter; a formal or official communicational a dispatch.
ex. 1. Macbeth shared his secrets in a missive to his wife.
ex. 2. Emails are technological missives.
12. thane - n.
member of any aristocratic class of men granted land for military service; to chief of a Scottish clan who became a baron to the king; a lesser noble who was an official of the crown holding authority over land.
ex. 1. Macbeth had ambitions beyond the status of a thane.
ex. 2. As a thane, Macbeth had only limited power in a restricted area.
13. bode - v.
to be an omen of; to foretell; to forecast; to portend; to predict.
ex. 1. Thunder bodes rain.
ex. 2. A high score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test bodes success in college.
14. augment - v.
to increase; to expand; to make greater; to enlarge.
ex. 1. Banquo was willing to augment his power as long as he did not lose his honor in the process.
ex. 2. The employee wanted a promotion to augment his salary.
15. suborn - v.
to persuade another to do wrong; to induce another person to commit an unlawful or evil act; to cause a person to perjure himself.
ex. 1. Lady Macbeth suborned her husband to commit murder even though he had second thoughts.
ex. 2. In order to win the case, the district attorney suborned a witness to lie under oath.